
Now that the lion has said so, the gods have said nothing more.
Looking at all the people who have to pay out the materials that they don’t need, including Yuan Heng, they are all startled. It really is that all the people have a high flame when picking up materials, plus the world’s fetal membranes contributed by the lion’s accident. Maybe, they can really try to hit the treasure …
"Ha ha, finally succeeded?"
Being in an unknown place seems to be born out of endless nothingness, and it also hangs over the fate of the whole world-the fate of the Ganges.
At this time, the endless river of fate began to churn slowly in the river of life, surging, and a voice of satisfaction came from the depths of the river.
The fate of the Ganges began to roll, but it was not as violent as it was at the time of robbery. The whole world, the sky, the earth, the ocean and every corner of the world were filled with joy and exultation.
In the depths of the river of life, eight life stars with infinite brilliance claim to emerge from the depths of the river. It can be seen by the naked eye that there is a crack on the surface of these eight powerful life stars with different shades.
"Alas, several Taoist friends seem to be really hurt!"
A purple figure suddenly emerged from the river of life, and it has been rejuvenated successfully. Although its hair is still white, at first glance, it can be felt that the breath of Zixiao is no longer the old age, but full of vitality. (To be continued. . )

The 180th congenital Shinto era
"After so long, the scar on the star of life has not healed!"
At this time, a golden-red figure also appeared, impressively being Taiyi, who was high-spirited and surrounded by the unparalleled emperor!
"Yes, according to this trend, if you want them to fully recover, I’m afraid it’s impossible without more than a dozen times!"
Been figure also manifest, looking at the eight life star frightening cracks, frowning tightly.
The force of fate is elusive and mysterious. Even if they are the first gods, their own life stars will be extremely difficult to recover if they are damaged. If they are ordinary pick, or even mixed monks, they would have fallen into an eternal sleep.
Even under the care of the mother of Avenue, this time is definitely not a small sum of money!
"Ha ha, so, Yuan Heng Daoyou will ask us to make moves. In your understanding, can Yuan Heng Daoyou really restore several Daoyou?"
Zixiao has a smile on her face, and she is amazed at it.
"Haven’t Taoist friends also seen that secret method?"
Been shook his head. "It’s really hard to describe. I didn’t expect Yuanheng Daoyou to lay the foundation of our innate Shinto civilization in this reincarnation in this way!"
"There is a saying in HarmonyOS that it is called-God!"
"There are 3,000 gods from the source, and 3,000 HarmonyOS gods are formed with their own supreme gods, guarding the heavens and the earth, which can be seen in the Ganges River."
"Those who mix Yuan, after receiving the arrival of the God of 3,000 origins, take themselves as the masters, achieve 3,000 HarmonyOS, unite the supreme Pangu, and cross the supreme mixed Yuan, which is the foundation of our innate Shinto civilization!"
At this time, even if it is purple. Also can’t help some excitement, once the plan is successful, so …
Their innate Shinto will be formally formed, and they, as the ancestors of 3,000 gods, are enough to get boundless fortune. As long as the more monks enter the mixed yuan by practicing innate Shinto, then they will be able to accumulate more merits and fortunes, and unite the boundless trend-
Belong to the general trend of congenital Shinto civilization!
Under this general trend, as three thousand ancestors, they can get benefits. It’s almost horrible!
More importantly …
The system of innate Shinto civilization has finally been established!
"Well, Taiyi, you have just entered this realm, so don’t step in this time. It’s enough for me and Been!"
Zixiao said to Taiyi, with a strong tone that cannot be denied.
This action is too important, absolutely different and sloppy. Taiyi’s coming here just happened to be talking with Zixiao. Just to see it.
Purple sky and been, are among the top fiend, plus the particularity of their avenue, Yuan Heng this just please them.
"well. In that case, I will go back and wait for the opportunity. "
Too one nodded and said with a little regret.
"I’ll take care of Renxiao, Youwei, Tingfan and Keke, and you can take care of those four."
See the shadow of Taiyi dissipate. Zixiao holds a picture scroll in his hand, and when he looks at it carefully, it turns out to be a condensed picture catalog depicting the fate of the Ganges River!
"Of course. So have you found the location? "
There is also a picture of fate in Hou Tu’s hand. After a long time of understanding, Hou Tu said, "No matter how many times you watch it, it is unbelievable. Yuan Heng can actually condense the general shape of the whole fate Ganges!"
Zixiao nodded, and only then did he separate consciousness from the catalogue of fate. "I also didn’t expect that Yuan Heng Daoyou’s understanding of the way of fate had reached this level."
"Since we have found it, let’s do it quickly, otherwise once the trajectory of the Ganges River changes, it must be re-contrasted."
"Please ask the mother of Avenue to help!"
Zixiao and Houtu bowed their faces, bowed to the void, and communicated with the inexplicable existence.
Here is the unique authority of being the son of the avenue-communication has now retired to the boundless chaotic avenue!




