He can’t communicate with the outside world all the time. The only way he can think of at present is these monster bodies.

By the time those logistics personnel who cleaned up the battlefield piled up all the monster bodies in this area in the North District, they had been connected into hills for some time. You know, the number of monsters killed in this area in the North District alone exceeded 10,000 tonight.
Looking at so many monster bodies piled up together, Su Li’s eyes seemed to see that these were all energy, and he immediately jumped into the world and devoured these monster bodies crazily.
Ten thousand monster bodies were collected in the mirage. Now it’s not a secret that he has a portable small one. Some people also have similar treasures, but most of them have a dozen square meters to put some belongings and materials. Like him, he was able to collect all ten thousand bodies in one breath, which still caused many people to be shocked.
These 10,000 bodies are almost filled with the floating island, where the blood crystal mother releases intense lotus flower. In this lotus flower cover, 10,000 bodies melt, and the incredible ability of the blood crystal mother is absorbed into the floating island.
Sensing the earth-shaking changes in the mirage, the mirage was almost exhausted, and the mirage was full of rich energy and swallowed so many monster bodies in one breath, which temporarily reached the mirage limit, even if there were more bodies, it would be difficult to fit them in at the moment.
After that, he closed the world and ignored these monster bodies. The blood crystal mother will naturally digest and absorb them, so he won’t have to worry about it.
When I woke up the next day, Su Li made a look at the world first thing.
In just one night, ten thousand monsters’ bodies disappeared, and they were swallowed up by the blood crystal mother. The surface of the floating island appeared green, even the steel walls around it were covered with creepers’ green vegetation.
The whole world of flies has become full of vitality.
What surprised Su Li the most was that the berries there needed a few days to ripen, but now they were all ripe in just one night, giving off a burst of attractive fruit fragrance.
Hundreds of fruit trees are full of ground berries, and all the ground fruits add up to an amazing number.
At the sight of so many ripe berries, Su Li was surprised and delighted. Look at the ruined tree again. Although its shape has not changed much, it has also gained some vitality, unlike before, when even the leaves showed signs of withering.
Gently urge the breath Su Li face smiled.
According to this situation, I have to collect the body left by the monster every day to feed the blood crystal mother and then drive the evolution of the whole mirage.
Chapter 567 Mo Liudao past
Persist in the future, and changes will become more and more obvious.
Later, Su Li called some core members to take out a batch of berries, clean them and entertain them later.
From the flood to now, although there is no shortage of food, after all, there are many monsters whose meat is edible, but fruits are rare, and they are almost never eaten. I am tired of eating all kinds of meat every day. Now it is hard to say the temptation and excitement of seeing these fruits.
"Haha, let’s try this batch of berries when they are ripe."
Although hundreds of fruit trees bear as many as 10,000 fruits, there are 10,000 people in the whole ancient city. If you really want to average one point, everyone will get one or two.
Sosuli can also take out a group to entertain some core members first.
It’s not a secret that there are fruit trees with pulp growing on the floating island. Everyone has seen Sosuli and has not kept it from them.
Everyone picked up the cleaned berries and ate them. I felt that the sweetness and tenderness on my teeth and cheeks made everyone feel poor.
After eating too much, I almost tasted meat, and now I taste this fruit. Everyone feels that the flat peach of the Chinese Queen Mother is so much.
Berries in this area have many wonderful effects on strengthening the body, and regular eating can slowly improve people’s health.
"Su Ge, the smelly woman with a long asshole on her head, would be angry again if she knew that we were all eating fruit here. Haha," Zhang Haohao couldn’t help laughing when he felt comfortable after eating three berries.
Su Li smiled and knew that he said Wang Tianxian.
Wang Tianxian’s arrogant appearance has long caused many people’s dissatisfaction. Zhang Haohao and others often make fun of her behind her back and say that she is ugly.
When I saw Zhang Haohao Su Li, my heart moved and said, "Where’s Luo Zhanjian?"
He remembered that Zhang Haohao and Luo Zhanjian often appeared together, and now he saw Zhang Haohao before he suddenly realized that Luo Zhanjian didn’t.
"Luo Zhanjian? He is now much yesterday by the mo six way … Not eagle Lord adults away "Zhang millie one leng this just know Su Li didn’t know it.
"Is this the case?" Su Li really didn’t know about this. When he returned to Shoude City, it was already dark, and then the monster attacked him. He was too busy swallowing the floating island and then collecting the roots of the body, so he didn’t care about anything else.
Su Li looked at Xu Haishui sitting on the other side.
Xu Hai Waterway "Su Ge, I came to see you and said that it was yesterday that you were too busy. I didn’t dare to disturb you. Actually, soon after we returned to Shoude City, the eagle Lord came on a flaming eagle and found Luo Zhanjian. It is said that they have determined that Luo Zhanjian’s dark refinery has performed well and will now be cultivated at the base."
Xu haishui said here that he was a little indignant. "Actually, it was Su Ge who performed best. I can’t figure out what those people at the base think?"
Zhang Haohao stared his one eye, saying, "It’s normal for them to choose Luo Zhanjian in an accident." Luo Zhanjian is his brother, and he’s a little uncomfortable talking to Xu Haishui like this.
At Zhang Haohao, Xu Haishui didn’t speak, thinking that even if Su Li was dead, it would be Xuanhua’s turn and Wei Bingying’s turn. How could those people take a fancy to Luo Zhanjian?
They can’t understand that Su Li is a "medium" fighter, but being able to stay in the dark training ground until the fourth is really extraordinary, and even now he has some doubts.
The only explanation is that Luo Zhanjian was so lucky that he thought of Zhang Haohao’s saying that Luo Zhanjian possessed a special ability, which is said to be particularly lucky.
Su Li doesn’t care if he gets the key cultivation in the base. He has too many secrets when he appears, but he doesn’t own it. Xu Xuehui may have more opportunities to follow her with her because of her ability than being cultivated by the base.
Su Li is not particularly interested in going to the base to get key cultivation opportunities.
It’s good to have him, but it’s not particularly regrettable not to have him.
Of course, he was surprised by Wang Tianxian, but he was so angry that he couldn’t sleep completely.
If it is Xuanhua, she is angry that she is not as good as others, but why is Luo Zhanjian?
The original yesterday, she knew that the news almost wanted to ask questions, but she saw Mo Liudao’s eyes were terrible at that time and seemed preoccupied.
She didn’t dare to ask more questions, and her heart was as uncomfortable as a lead stone. She should have some advantages with herself and Mo Liudao. If you want to choose an outsider except Xuanhua, since Luo Zhanjian can build her, why not?
She was even worse when she learned that Su Li was back before she died. She didn’t sleep well all night and didn’t want to get up for a long time.
She got up lazily after lying in bed for three days, and suddenly she heard a familiar sound.
"call everyone who went into the dark refining field yesterday."
Hearing this, Wang Tianxian was so clever that he looked up and found that there was a red figure flashing and disappearing outside the window.
She’s white. Lord Eagle is here.
Hurriedly got up and sent someone to inform the eagle Lord who entered the dark refining field yesterday to invite everyone to come to her.
Are together Su Li and others have also received the notice that the eagle Lord arrival summoned them to get up.
All the people who entered the dark refinery yesterday had a share in their ancient city, including Su Li, Jiang Shuijue, Xu Xuehui, Fu Long, Ding Shi and Luo Zhanjian, but Luo Zhanjian was picked up yesterday.
When the five of them arrived at Wang Tianxian’s hall, they found Wang Tianxian, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong, Yu Chengcheng, Lu Xiaojie and Li Chao all gathered here.
In addition to Luo Zhanjian, eleven people gathered together. Among these eleven people, except Xu Xuehui, ten of them have reached the "equal" combat power or
Eleven people were quiet. After about two minutes in the hall, Mo Liudao didn’t appear, but the sound came in from the outside.
"Su Li, you come out."
Listen to this sound Su Li heart slightly move mouth should be a then turned and walked out.
Ten of him are still waiting in the hall to look at each other, guessing that Mo Liudao will call them up and now suddenly call Su Li out. Is there a good thing about Su Li? Now that he is not dead, he will also be cultivated in the base?
Wang Tianxian also had this idea, and suddenly his heart was full of jealousy.
Su Li walked out of the hall and Mo Liudao sounded from his ear again.



